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Environmental Studies

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The Root of It All

Sidekick Gear Inc. SKGI00

Food unites us. It’s the building blocks to human life. It creates community, nourishes culture...

The Sage of Barefoot College: Bunker Roy - The Green Interview...

Paper Tiger PT0039

This episode of The Green Interview features Bunker Roy, founder of the only college in the world...

The Sandman

Productions Grand Angle A173-026

In northern Canada, Indigineous land is now the home to the largest industrial project in the...

The Shadow of Gold

Kensington Communications Inc. KC0111

Do you wear a gold ring? Do you know where the gold in that ring comes from?  The Shadow of Gold...

The Sixth Extinction - Animals in Peril: Science Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0289

Learn all about mass extinctions, including the history of Earth’s five major mass extinctions...

The Solstice Concerts featuring Ghostkeeper

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0184

In this performance, Calgary-based Ghostkeeper produces raw and electrifying music. A colourful...

The Spirit Bear: Coastal Revival Series

Brandy Y Productions BYP036

Meet the rare Spirit Bear and the Gitga’at First Nations who teach others about its beauty and...

The St. Lawrence: Water Under Fire Series. Episode 5

George Gallant GG0005

The St. Lawrence River begins where the Great Lakes end, and joins the Ottawa River 200 kilometres...

The Superfood Chain

Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL03

SUPERFOOD OR SUPER HYPE? Are so called superfoods really that great for you? And how does the...

The Toasa Cooperative Ltd - Nauwigewauk, NB: Depth of Field...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C039

The Toasa Cooperative Ltd is a worker-owned cooperative market garden that works to create a local...

The Traditional and the New: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S02-08

Approximately 370 million people belong to indigenous communities in some 70 countries around the...

The Tree of Life: Green Heroes Series, Season 1

CineFocus CIN004

GreenHeroes at the root of the earth's problems helping find new ways to tackle deforestation...

The Trumpeter Swan Returns

Parallel Vision Pictures PVP002

These incredible birds are the largest swans in the world. The swans that we usually see on the...

The Virus Within Us

Autentic GMBH AUT017

They are the most common creatures on earth. They have been around forever and are considered...

The Visionaries: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S05-01

Revolutionizing the world is an ambitious project to say the least, and our dream will only become...

The Voice of a New Generation of Scientist: Sarika Cullis-Suzuki...

Paper Tiger PT0093

This episode of The Green Interview features Sarika Cullis-Suzuki, a marine biologist who studies...

The Warning – How Intelligence and Science Met Climate Change

ARTE France A259-016

This documentary tells the amazing and unknown story of how the world’s most powerful...

The Water Walker

Seeing Red Media SRM000

The Water Walker is a short documentary, tracing the roots, passion and perseverance of teenaged...

The Whale Detective: Nature

PBS Video 041940

In September 2015, a 30-ton humpback whale breached and just missed landing on wildlife filmmaker...

The Wild World of Robert Bateman: Robert Bateman - The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0088

This episode of The Green Interview features Robert Bateman, one of the world's leading painters...

The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes

HG Distribution HG0135

Wine importers and good friends, Michael, Chuck and Charlie are on a quest to find the world’s...

The World of Politics and the World of Science: Andrew Weaver -...

Paper Tiger PT0062

This episode of The Green Interview features Andrew Weaver, one of Canada's leading climate...

The World's First Rooftop Farm - Mohamed Hage: The Green...

Paper Tiger PT0060

This episode of The Green Interview features Mohamed Hage, who is turning the flat rooftops of...

The Yes Men: Andrew Bichlbaum - The Green Interview Series

Paper Tiger PT0055

This episode of The Green Interview features Andrew Bichlbaum, one of "The Yes Men," a...

Their Land: Last of the Caribou Herd

Wilderness Committee 010042

Across Canada, many caribou populations are in deep trouble. In the South Peace region of Northern...

There's No “I” In Hockey: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0106

The Wapos Bay community in northern Saskatchewan is celebrating their annual winter festival...

Thermostat climatique

Les Films en Vrac & Ushuaïa TV F242-019

Sous la pression du réchauffement climatique, la géo- ingénierie, la modification à grande...

They Dance at Night: Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0108

The sky is a source of fascination for young Raven and T-Bear as they study the clouds and learn...

Three Little GPs: Planet Echo, Season 2

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0209

In this episode it's all about building and making our homes greener. ADVENTURE: The guys decide...

Ticked Off: The Mystery of Lyme Disease

Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI095

Lyme disease, a mysterious tick-borne illness, is the fastest spreading vector-borne disease. Over...

Til the River Runs Clear

PBS Video 040921

'Til The River Runs Clear tells the story of America's environmental flagship, the Clearwater...

Tipping Point: Kids Can Save the Planet Series

Video Project, Inc. TVP038

There is one issue that unites us all no matter what part of the world you live in: climate...

Tisser un avenir durable: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S12-02

L’industrie du textile est au cœur de la révolution industrielle des derniers siècles. C’est...

Tla-o-qui-aht Salmon Hatchery/Salmon and Bannock...

Aarrow Productions AP0026

Tla-o-qui-aht Salmon Hatchery/Salmon and Bannock Restaurant/Nuu-chah-nulth Plant Walk: Host Steve...

Tla-o-qui-aht, BC: Power to the People, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0765

Geothermal energy is generated using heat stored below the earth’s surface. Caretakers of Long...

To Innovate Is to Imitate: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S02-03

In just one century, technological and scientific progress has made unprecedented improvements in...

To Make a Farm

Orangeville Road Pictures ORP000

Named one of the ten most popular Canadian films at the Vancouver International Film Festival, To...

To the Ends of the Earth (55 Minute Version)

White Gold Productions WGP000

Narrated by Emma Thompson, this documentary examines the rise of extreme energy extraction in...

To the Ends of the Earth (80 Minute Version)

White Gold Productions WGP000B

Narrated by Emma Thompson, this documentary examines the rise of extreme energy extraction in...

To the Ends of the Earth (French Version)

White Gold Productions WGP000FR

Narrated by Emma Thompson, this documentary examines the rise of extreme energy extraction in...

Toad People: What Does it Take to Save a Species? (52 Minute...

Wilderness Committee 010040

Every year in early summer when the weather starts to warm up, a rural road in the community of...

Toad People: What Does it Take to Save a Species? (76 Minute...

Wilderness Committee 010041

Every year in early summer when the weather starts to warm up, a rural road in the community of...

Todd Labrador: Mi'kmaq Canoe Builder Connected for Thousands of...

Paper Tiger PT0083

Todd Labrador is a respected and celebrated traditional Mi'kmaq canoe builder, in fact he's the...

Tomorrow's Power (52 Minute Version)

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE021

TOMORROW'S POWER is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world...

Tomorrow's Power (76 Minute Version)

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE019

TOMORROW'S POWER is a feature length documentary that showcases three communities around the world...

Torngat National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM014

Torngat Mountains National Park folds treeless and rugged up the Labrador coast. Aboriginal people...

Total Treecall: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB288

In the future, real trees have been replaced by Crock brand high-tech rake-free trees. But are...

Tous allergiques

ARTE France, Arte GEIE, Graffitidoc F259-009

Le boom contemporain des allergies est-il vraiment un phénomène inexplicable? Ce documentaire...

Tous allergiques

ARTE France, Arte GEIE, Graffitidoc F259-009

Le boom contemporain des allergies est-il vraiment un phénomène inexplicable? Ce documentaire...

Tous allergiques

ARTE France, Arte GEIE, Graffitidoc F259-009

Le boom contemporain des allergies est-il vraiment un phénomène inexplicable? Ce documentaire...

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