Environmental Studies
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Towards the Sustainable Management of Forests: Architects of...
PVP Films A150-S03-08The situation of the world’s forests is more worrisome than ever before. It is estimated that...
Toxic Atmosphere: Fixing Nature Series
AB Productions A296-S03-04Industries, mining, air transport, cars ... our planet is suffocating as air pollution has become...
Toxic Life Cycle Of A Cigarette
Human Relations Media 600643Most people know that smoking is bad for your health, but what about the lesser known effects of...
Toxic Time Bomb
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV003“Toxic Time Bomb” is about the impact of industrial pollution on a community and about...
Clique Pictures CLIQ00Explores the connection to the communities impacted by the products Canadians consume! TRACEABLE...
Tracking Glaciers: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005Science and Inuit knowledge are helping us better understand glacial melt vs accumulation in the...
Tracking Glaciers: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series (With...
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005INScience and Inuit knowledge are helping us better understand glacial melt vs accumulation in the...
Tracking the Caribou: Woodland Caribou Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE013In episode 2 Frankie heads north to talk with Dr. Art Rodgers, a research scientist, about his...
Tracking the Tundra: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV003Understanding permafrost and the changing tundra is a vital part to knowing what is really...
Tracking the Tundra: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew Series (With...
Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV003INUnderstanding permafrost and the changing tundra is a vital part to knowing what is really...
Trail Blazers: Breaking Trail Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP012Good mountain bike trails are usually the result of a lot of effort. Volunteer trail builders Emily...
Transition Towns - Finding the Future, Together: Rob Hopkins -...
Paper Tiger PT0049This episode of The Green Interview features Rob Hopkins, the founder of the Transition movement...
Transmettre l'espoir: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-02Le décrochage scolaire, le chômage, la pauvreté et la violence chez les jeunes sont des...
Trash Talk: Shift Series
Nootka Street Film Company Inc. NSF001What happens to our garbage after we throw it away? Over 300 millions tonnes of solid waste is...
Trash Talks and Composting Too! Restoration Planet Series...
Robert E Moberg Films REM014What can we do to save our planet? Our friends Mary and Oliver Forbes suggest that we compost! This...
Treating Earth like Dirt: David Montgomery - The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0037Interview with David Montgomery, a geomorphologist - a scientist who studies the forces that shape...
Trees, Youth, Our Future Series
Pinegrove Productions EOMF00This new documentary video series celebrates stewardship of Ontario’s natural heritage in...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV087A short experimental ethnographic film that traces the movement of natural resources through the...
Tropic of Chaos
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV047A large lake that empties, refugee camps that fill up. What is happening in the Lake Chad basin is...
Tropical Rainforest: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0275Learn all about tropical rainforests. Graphics, diagrams, and video images help us understand...
Trouble in Paradise: W5
CTV CTV685In 2013, the government of British Columbia granted the owners of a landfill site located directly...
Troubled Waters
Barking Dog Pictures A270-002As world food shortages loom large Commercial Ice Fishers in Northern Canada are leaving a majority...
Troubled Waters: W5
CTV CTV697"TROUBLED WATERS" takes viewers to local communities currently facing off against the bottled water...
Tsá Tué Biosphere Reserve, NT: Striking Balance Series 2
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV032Troubled by a history of uranium mining, the Sahtu Dene of Great Bear Lake, NWT, create North...
Tsunami: Just Another Wave
Kondololé Films Inc. KON054The devastating 2004 tsunami was a disaster for the people and economy of Sri Lanka, a country...
Tuktut Nogait National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series
Blue Ant Media BAM162This hidden wonder of the arctic is one of the great secrets of the Parks system. Tuktut Nogait...
Robert E Moberg Films REM001The devastating collapse of the 2014 Mount Polley mine tailings pond dam in central British...
Tuscany: The Wine Guys: Grape Escapes, Ep. 5
HG Distribution HG0140In Tuscany, the three vino amigos head to different wineries to try and find the perfect Brunello...
Ultimate Guinea Pig Power: Planet Echo, Season 2
Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0210It this episode it’s all about alternative forms of power. From solar to wind we learn that there...
Ultimate Home Brew (Ep. 3): The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE003For all the beer lovers out there, ever think about making your own? Ian learns how from a brewing...
Un autre chemin
CinéFête F299-S01Dans un monde en perte de repe?res, au milieu de l’agitation et de la consommation de masse, des...
Un monde à 3 Zéros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060FRLe Professeur Yunus, banquier des pauvres, entrepreneur social et lauréat du prix Nobel de la...
Un monde inapercu (52 Minutes)
HG Distribution HG0000FRDans un profond sommeil depuis plusieurs mois, sont les amphibiens et reptiles du Québec. De...
Un monde inapercu (93 Minutes)
HG Distribution HG0001FRDans un profond sommeil depuis plusieurs mois, sont les amphibiens et reptiles du Québec. De...
Un monde sans sable
AB Productions F296-S02-05Le sable est tout autour de nous. C’est l’ingrédient principal du béton et nous l’utilisons...
Un monde sans...
AB Productions F296-S02À quoi ressemblerait un monde sans ces forêts dont nous avons tant besoin ? Que se passerait-il...
Unbreathable - Cities on the Verge of Asphyxiation
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-008Air pollution affects 9 out of 10 city dwellers and kills 7 million people a year. With an epidemic...
Unbreathable - Cities on the Verge of Asphyxiation
ARTE France, Scientifilms A259-008Air pollution affects 9 out of 10 city dwellers and kills 7 million people a year. With an epidemic...
Uncharted Waters
Molly Dennis MODE00Uncharted Waters celebrates community conservation efforts in Howe Sound/Atl’ka7tsem (UNESCO...
Underground: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0020Indigenous Scientists look inside the earth and rock layers to learn about the Earth's history; and...
Understanding Adaptation to Specific Habitats: Our Incredible...
Pinegrove Productions PPE023Jesse adapts to his environment by growing an extra pair of arms (dream). They pay one more visit...
Understanding Life Systems Series
291 Film Company 291113This new 3-part series has been specifically designed for your elementary science curriculum...
Understanding Weather and Climate: Science Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0203Understand weather, climate, and the greenhouse effect. Weather depends on air temperature...
Wild Confluence Media WCM004Told through the lens of three women with unique personal connections to Alaska’s Tongass...
Une incroyable planète
Pinegrove Productions PPF025Dans Une incroyable planète, Benoit et Zoey, deux préados, doivent préparer un projet scolaire...
Une nature envahissante
Productions Grand Angle F173-035Aujourd’hui, les dégâts provoqués par les espèces envahissantes en Nouvelle-Calédonie sont...
Utah: Seeing the USA Series
Brandy Y Productions BYP063Brandy Yanchyk starts her journey of Utah in Salt Lake City, where she learns about the history of...
Vanishing Desert: Portrait of the Rattlesnake
Wilderness Committee 010050Travel to the Osoyoos region of British Columbia, the only desert ecosystem in Canada, habitat of...
Vanishing Wetlands: Sharing Our Habitat Series
Pinegrove Productions PPE030Tabitha chooses turtles and gets the opportunity to assist with a turtle recovery project and to...
Venice, The Technological Challenge
Phares & Balises A196-019The sea level in Venice has increased drastically in the last century or so, threatening the very...