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Environmental Studies

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Venise, le défi technologique

Phares & Balises F196-028

Depuis près d’un siècle, Venise a vu le niveau des eaux augmenter de façon drastique...

Vers une gestion durable des forêts: Les Artisans du changement

PVP Films F150-S11-08

Treize millions d’hectares de forêt disparaissent chaque année. Quelque 80% des forêts...

Vikram: Green Squad Series

Apartment 11 APT594

When twelve-year-old Vikram visits his grandparents in India, he's always inspired by how his...

Visionary Gardeners Series

291 Film Company 291141

Visionary Gardeners is a cinematic documentary series filmed across Canada. In the premiere season...

Vivre dans un hameau autonome

CinéFête F299-S01-02

Tout proche de la ville de Chateaubriand, se trouve le petit « Hameau du Ruisseau ». Initie? par...

Voiture: une industrie mondialisée

ARTE France F259-S10-90

Les 7 milliards et demi d’humains que nous sommes disposent de plus d'un milliard...

Volcanoes: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0022

Isa tells us about the “Ring of Fire” and the role of tectonic plates for in the creation of...

Vu du large 1

CinéFête F88-S01

Vu du large vous convie à porter un regard neuf et contemporain sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent...

Wages of Hope: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S03-01

The informal sector of the economy includes activities that are not structured according to the...

Waiting for Justice in Ecuador's Amazon Rain Forest: Pablo...

Paper Tiger PT0094

This episode of The Green Interview features Pablo Fajardo and Steven Donziger, two lawyers whose...

Wall: A Story about Two Gardens in Three Parts


Wall tells a story about ecological practice, unexpected connections and ambiguous communication...

Wapos Bay, Season 1

HG Distribution HG0105

Wapos Bay kids love adventure. And their playground is a vast area that has been home to their...

Wapos Bay, Season 2

HG Distribution HG0112

Wapos Bay kids love adventure. And their playground is a vast area that has been home to their Cree...

Wapusk National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM158

One of the world's largest polar bear denning sites, Wapusk means "white bear" in the native Cree...

Warrior Up! Series

Picture This Productions PTP008

Warrior Up! is a 13 x 22-minute documentary series that follows inspiring Indigenous youth making...

Washed Away: W5


Few will forget post-tropical storm Fiona, battering the east coast of Canada in the Fall of 2022...

Wasn't That A Party?: Hope for Wildlife - Season 2

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR039E

The open house is bigger than ever, which brings about more challenges.

Waste Your Life

CNRS, France 3, Productions Campagne Première, RTBF A242-003

Plastic and electronic waste, old medicines thrown into the sewage water… when buried, this waste...

Waste Your Life

CNRS, France 3, Productions Campagne Première, RTBF A242-003

Plastic and electronic waste, old medicines thrown into the sewage water… when buried, this waste...

Waste Your Life

CNRS, France 3, Productions Campagne Première, RTBF A242-003

Plastic and electronic waste, old medicines thrown into the sewage water… when buried, this waste...

Waste Your Life

CNRS, France 3, Productions Campagne Première, RTBF A242-003

Plastic and electronic waste, old medicines thrown into the sewage water… when buried, this waste...

Wasteland: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB289

In the future, a pile of battery waste has grown so big, it’s taken over yet another country! Can...

Water - Resource and Challenge: Architects of Change

PVP Films A150-S03-02

Water is vital for our planet and every living thing on it. However, this essential resource has...

Water - Treaty 3: Treaty Road Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0750

In Treaty 3 territory which covers parts of Ontario and Manitoba, Erin Goodpipe and Saxon de Cocq...

Water Games: Galapagos X, Season 1

Big Bad Boo Studios BBB290

In the future, there’s a major water shortage and cities are now on wheels so as to better chase...

Water On the Table

LizMars Productions Inc. LMPI01

Is water a commercial good like Coca-Cola, or a human right like air? Featuring best-selling...

Water Scarcity - Facing the Challenge: Social Studies Kids Series

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0195

Learn all about the most precious resource on this planet.  It is not diamonds, gold or silver, it...

Water Under Fire Series: A Coast to Coast Investigation of...

George Gallant GG0000

A seven part documentary series on the freshwater supply in Canada, focusing on the seven major...

Water: Fixing Nature Series

AB Productions A296-S03-01

For more than a century, human and industrial activities have posed significant threats to our...

Water: Future History - Harnessing Knowledge, Season 1

Redcloud Studios RS0004

Our hosts, Sarain and Kris discuss the current crisis of contaminated water and the growing...

Water: Masters of the Elements Series

AB Productions A296-S07-04

The oceans, seas and rivers cover 70% of the surface of our planet. Water can change state (liquid...

Waterton Biosphere Reserve, Alberta: Striking Balance Series 1

Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV022

The story of how the Waterton Biosphere Reserve has remained largely ecologically intact is a...

Waterton Lakes National Park: A Park For All Seasons Series

Blue Ant Media BAM157

Waterton National Park lies on the border of two of Canada's most striking landscapes - the Rocky...

Watson's War: W5


Canadian Environmentalist Paul Watson is doing whatever it takes to protect the species of the...

Waves: Planet Echo, Season 2

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0205

In this episode it's all about the power of the ocean. ADVENTURE: Chuck and Andy decide to go for...

Wavy-Rayed Lampmussel: Leo's FishHeads Series

Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE014

It's a good thing the FishHeads don't mind getting a little dirty, because they're going knee-deep...

We Are the Eeyouch of Eeyou Istchee

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE038

In the early 1970’s, the massive James Bay Hydroelectric Project came to this territory, a time...

We Are Water Protectors

Weston Woods WW4007

Written by Carole Lindstrom and illustrated by Michaela Goade. Inspired by the many Indigenous-led...

We Rise Up!: The Eeyouch of Istchee Series, Ep. 3

Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE036

It is 1989. While the struggle continues to get the federal and Quebec governments to implement the...

Weather: Planet Echo, Season 1

Positive Productions Inc. and Media RendezVous Inc. PE0107

The weather affects all of us. When Chuck decides that he is destined to become the "world's...

Weekend Wonder: Building a Community to Accomplish the...

Zoot Pictures ZP0006

Take one hundred strangers and make them friends. Take a pile of green building materials and...

Welcome to The Nanoworld Series

The Taxi Brousse Company TBC001

A new world is rising… A scientific revolution is budding… A deep excavation into the realm of...

Wemindji Water Wonders

River Voices RVP023

Empowering connections between youth, water, culture, tradition and technology. Focuses on Cree...

West Coast Trail Stewardship: Down2Earth (Ep 102)

Aarrow Productions AP0004

West Coast Trail Stewardship: Nuu-chah-nulth means "all along the mountains and the sea" and it...

Wetland Wonder: Waterworld Africa Series

Blue Ant Media BAM529

Southern Africa is gripped in a punishing drought. Across the region plants and animals are...

Whales - Gardeners of the Ocean: Parks Canada’s Climate Crew...

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV006

Whale poop - keeping our oceans flourishing and our air clean! Whales are being hailed as...

What Can One MP Do? Plenty: Elizabeth May (follow-up) - The...

Paper Tiger PT0035

Interview with Elizabeth May, leader of the Green Party of Canada and Canada's first elected Green...

What Goes Up: The Mooh Brothers

Breakthrough Entertainment BTE215

In the field at night, Conley is frightened by a shooting star. The next day, the Crows brag to...

What is an Insect?: All About Insects Series

Educational Voice 992143

In this animated science video lesson, Professor Birdie teaches James about insects. The insect...

What Lies Beneath: W5


The picture perfect town of Port Hope lies on the shores of Lake Ontario, 100 km east of Toronto...

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