Global Issues
429 title(s) found.« Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next » Last »
Hate Crime - Uncensored
Blue Ant Media BAM1107Hate Crime: Uncensored is a new documentary featuring testimony and footage of a variety of...
Hate Crime in Everyday Life
Shortcutstv Ltd STV029Hate Crime is high profile now, but the cases of violent hate crime we see in the media are just...
Healing Hands: W5
CTV CTV678W5's Victor Malarek is on location with a Canadian team on a medical mission in Kyiv that is...
Hell or Clean Water
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE128A former fisherman who just 10 years earlier thought nothing of tossing garbage out of his truck...
History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1435In each episode of History by Numbers we explore a story you thought you knew, but re-organized and...
Holodomor: The Forgotten Genocide
InSitu Production A212-003Holodomor, the Ukrainian word for death by hunger, was a famine orchestrated by Stalin in the...
Reel Girls Media REEL13A documentary about the heroes behind the heroes. HOMEFRONT records the experience of the spouses...
Hope and Fear: How Pandemics Changed the World
Autentic GMBH AUT046COVID-19 is just the latest in a long line of pandemics that have devastated societies. We revisit...
Hopeful Chinks of Light in Dark Times: George Monbiot - The...
Paper Tiger PT0051This episode of The Green Interview features George Monbiot, acclaimed British journalist and...
How I Became An Elephant
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE001How I Became an Elephant is one girl's journey to inspire a movement.When Juliette West set out on...
Human Rights and Ethics Playlist
MCI737We all have rights and obligations to one another. This playlist helps us come to understand the...
In Defence of the Amazon - Atossa Soltani: The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0077This episode of the Green Interview features Atossa Soltani, the founder and Executive Director of...
In Search of the ‘Mauri’ - New Zealand: Native Planet Series...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0771Simon travels to New Zealand’s north to see how science and Indigenous knowledge are combining to...
Incredible Shoreline Restoration: Restoration Planet Series...
Robert E Moberg Films REM005The Restoration Planet team has arrived in Twillingate, Newfoundland & Labrador. They immediately...
India and Pakistan: Great Decisions 2020 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV16India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi rode a wave of Hindu nationalism to a historic reelection in...
India's Shame: W5
CTV CTV601India is a country rich with contrast. Here old meets new. Poverty grinds against prosperity...
Inside Wuhan: W5
CTV CTV825The epidemic COVID-19 virus has caused international apprehension for everyday life, but in Wuhan...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Investigating a Climate Alert: Methane, Dream or Nightmare Series
ARTE France, Camera Lucida Productions, Ideacom International A266-S01-01The discovery of pockets of methane gas trapped in ice on the ocean floor has directed attention to...
Iran : au coeur des tensions
ARTE France F259-S10-59Nucléaire militaire, rivalités avec l’Arabie Saoudite, après-guerre en Syrie, ressources...
Island in the Sky: Cahuasqui, Ecuador: Restoration Planet...
Robert E Moberg Films REM007In this episode, we take you to Cahuasqui, a very remote village high in the Ecuadorian Andes. We...
Jan van de Venis: Where Human Rights and the Environment...
Paper Tiger PT0007This episode of The Green Interview features Jan van de Venis, an extraordinary Dutch lawyer who...
Japon: retour au centre?
ARTE France F259-S10-60Après la 2ème guerre mondiale, désarmé par les Alliés, le Japon se concentre sur la doctrine...
Five2Nine Inc. 529003“Jaya" follows the extraordinary journey of Jaya Krishnan, a Malaysian born Canadian artist...
Jihad, Counter-Offensive
ARTE France A242-011How do you de-radicalize kids caught up in the djihad web? How do you help their parents? Djihad...
John Hopkins: Bluefin - Filming the Tuna’s Crisis: The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0103John Hopkins is a filmmaker from Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province. Lying in the...
Kanaka Bar, BC: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0757Situated in the hottest place in Canada, the Kanaka Bar Indian Band know firsthand the rising...
Kids of the Rocket Siren
Loud Roar Productions LRP000The alarm sounds. A deafening explosion ricochets through the night. As the Kids of the Rocket...
King George VI; Brother, Husband, King: The Royal Documentaries
Blue Ant Media BAM1296Albert Frederick Arthur George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was not born to be King, that role was for his...
L'atmosphère toxique: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-04Industries, exploitations minières, mais aussi transport aérien, trafic automobile : Notre...
L'eau: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-01Depuis plus d'un siècle, les activités humaines et industrielles font peser d'importantes menaces...
La Chine, la Russie et la mystérieuse OCS ?
ARTE France F259-S10-42Qu'est-ce que l'OCS ? Née en 1996, pour régler des questions de frontières entre la Chine et...
La crise du coronavirus: moment hamiltonien - Sommets: dans les...
Beliane F242-S01-2Lorsque le virus frappe l'Europe en mars 2020, on assiste à des confiscations de masques sur le...
La grande déconnexion
disconnected Ltd DISC00FLa Grande Déconnexion est un documentaire primé qui révèlepourquoi, dans un monde apparemment...
La planète malade du plastique
ARTE France F259-S10-76Selon WWF, la production mondiale de plastique pourrait passer de 400 millions à 550 millions de...
La prophétie des Yupiks
Fred Hilgemann Films F242-018Des décennies avant que les scientifiques n’attirent l’attention du monde sur les dangers...
La ruée vers le carbone (version de 52 min)
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE001FDes centaines de barrages hydroélectriques au Panama. Des incinérateurs brûlant des ordures en...
La ruée vers le carbone (version de 84 min)
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE002FDes centaines de barrages hydroélectriques au Panama. Des incinérateurs brûlant des ordures en...
Le cyber : nouvel espace géopolitique
ARTE France F259-S10-44Au cœur de l'actualité politique et militaire, le "cyber" est un instrument nouveau qu'il faut...
Le feu: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-02En mai 2016 à Fort Mac Murray, au Canada, un incendie géant fait des ravages. En 2017, des...
Le monde de Xi Jinping (2021)
Arte GEIE F269-014Xi Jinping, leader chinois le plus puissant depuis Mao, dévoile ses ambitions pour la Chine et...
Le nucléaire : une solution pour la planète?
Arte GEIE F269-013Longtemps décrié, le nucléaire serait aujourd’hui devenu une énergie verte apte à sauver la...
Le sol: Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04-03Sur tous les continents, de nombreuses terres fertiles sont devenues hostiles. Des refuges de...
Lebanon, Revolution of Despair
Flair Production A196-029Thirty years after the civil war, as the first signs of a major economic crisis emerged and the...
Legacy of Terror: The Bombing of Air India
Bishari Films BF0013Legacy of Terror is the story of one of the most deadly airline bombings in history: Air India...
Lethal Weapons: The Future of Drone Wars
Autentic GMBH AUT040The war in Ukraine shows that combat drones are becoming increasingly intelligent, more autonomous...
Liban, la révolution naît des entrailles du chagrin
Flair Production F196-047Trente ans après la guerre civile, alors que surgissent les prémices d’une crise économique...
Longyearbyen, ville bipolaire
Artcam Production F292-002En Arctique, la ville norvégienne Longyearbyen située sur l'archipel du Svalbard, exploite depuis...
Longyearbyen: A Bipolar City
Artcam Production A292-002In the Arctic, the Norwegian city of Longyearbyen, extracts coal for one hundred years as an...