Social Issues
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Ms. Scientist
Brandy Y Productions BYP055Around the world the fields of scientific research and development remain a male-dominated...
Muddy the Waters: All Too Clear - Beneath the Surface of the...
Inspired Planet Ideas Inc. LIV046Episode 2 of All Too Clear follows the growing movement of people trying to figure out how to...
Muddy Waters: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0119Lisa travels to Winnipeg, the Urban Aboriginal Capital of Canada; a city on the rise or a city...
Muneeza in the Middle
GAPC Productions GAP016Muneeza Sheikh wears her faith on her sleeve - if she's wearing sleeves, that is. And that's a...
Murdered By A Mob: The Killing of Bijan Ebrahimi
Blue Ant Media BAM1272This documentary examines the murder of Iranian refugee Bijan Ebrahimi, beaten to death and his...
Music Night: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP03It’s music night, and the whole family is ready to jam, except for Shelley. Khadijah tries to...
Muzikanti od koreňa
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV085Suite à notre sollicitation, reçus par le service culturel de l’ambassade de Tchécoslovaquie...
My Brain Made Me Do It
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI002When a brutal crime is committed who is ultimately to blame - the perpetrator or their...
My Enemy, My Brother (18 min)
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL00My Enemy, My Brother is a real life story about two former enemies, Zahed and Najah, who fought in...
My Enemy, My Brother (88 min)
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL01My Enemy, My Brother is the real life story about two enemies from the Iran-Iraq War who return to...
My Matriarch: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0718Anishinaabe electro-pop artist Wolf Saga draws inspiration for his music from a painting his...
My Millennial Life (80 Minute Version)
Makin Movies Inc. MJMM02My Millennial Life is a provocative feature-length documentary about big dreams, crushing...
My Personal Safety - Simple Rules for Staying Safe: Start Smart...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0219Children will learn simple, yet vital, rules to follow that will empower and increase their...
My Voice Matters: Changing the World Through Child and Youth...
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC009In this film from the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society, young people who participated in...
My Well-Being - Adjusting to a New School - Tips for a Smooth...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0358Learn all about helpful strategies for transitioning to a new school. Includes preparations and...
My Well-Being - Conflict Resolution: Social-Emotional Learning...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0357Learn all about conflict resolution and the best approach to de-escalating tensions. Concepts...
My Well-Being - Critical Thinking - Focus, Make the Connections...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0360Learn how to implement critical thinking. What is critical thinking? How can we improve our...
My Well-Being - Developing Good Coping Skills And Avoiding The...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0359In this ongoing series, social and emotional issues are sensitively discussed with positive and...
My Well-Being - Fairness: Social-Emotional Learning Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0355Social-emotional learning issues are sensitively discussed with positive and encouraging...
My Well-Being - Managing the Negative Effects of Social Media...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0116The lure of social media carries with it many negative effects such as depression, anxiety...
My Well-Being - Microaggressions - Consequences and Solutions...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0117What are microaggressions, microassaults, microinsults, and microinvalidations? What are the...
My Well-Being - Overcoming Challenges and Adversity...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0353Learning issues are sensitively discussed with positive and encouraging suggestions on how to...
My Well-Being - Relationship Building - Family, Friendships...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0361Relationships are very important in our lives. Learn all about relationship building, the key...
My Well-Being - Teamwork: Social-Emotional Learning Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0356Learn all about teamwork. Why is teamwork important? How does it help us succeed? What are...
My Well-Being - The Importance of Being Positive, Thankful and...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0354Learning issues are sensitively discussed with positive and encouraging suggestions on how to...
Mystery of Muskoka: W5
CTV CTV355In March, 1997, Barb Anderson helped her 69-year-old brother John Crofts board a bus to Toronto...
Myths for Profit: Canada's Role in Industries of War and Peace
Wide Open Exposure Productions WOE003Canada the global good guy? Lets examine that claim. Essential intro to geopolitics and profits...
Narco Jungle - The Death Train: W5 - Avery Haines Investigates
CTV CTV969Following up on the acclaimed documentary, “Narco Jungle”, Avery Haines focuses on the plight...
Narratives of Modern Genocide
Passion River Films PR4822After the holocaust the world said, "never again," yet genocide is happening in the world right...
Native Ecology: Gregory Cajete - The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0012Gregory is a Native American educator whose work is dedicated to honoring the foundations of...
Nature Dazzles
Camilo Gomez CG0000Gender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...
Nature Dazzles (French Version)
Camilo Gomez CG00FRGender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...
Nature Dazzles (Spanish Version)
Camilo Gomez CG00SPGender Splendour Week at The Grove Community School in Toronto promotes mental health wellness...
Neglected Care: W5
CTV CTV712A W5 investigation puts the spotlight on lack of care and alleged abuse in long term care...
Neo Tokyo, the Future in VR
AB Productions A296-007Tokyo metro trains are packed with passengers who are all using VR headsets for travelling through...
Nevaeh Pine - Voice of Disruption: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP010Grade ten student Nevaeh Pine is a proud Ojibwe teen from Garden River First Nation who found her...
New Mexico: Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310016Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Stephanie Big Eagle grew up astray from her identity. She reconnected...
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M014In this touching documentary, filmmaker Chadi Bennani accompanies his mother, Dominique, as she...
Nicole Robertson: Redx Talks Series
Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0007Nicole Robertson has dedicated her life to creating awareness about Indigenous Peoples through the...
No Man's Land: Women Frontline Journalists
Bishari Films BF0004This film travels to the front lines of Sarajevo and Afganistan, and also portrays famous women...
No Solidarity: W5
CTV CTV337W5 examines the inner politics of local 183 of the Labourers International Union (LIUNA), the...
No Witnesses: W5
CTV CTV753Best known for door to door preaching, the Jehovah’s Witnesses stand accused of a global sex...
Nolan: Drug Class Series, Season 2
Cooper Rock CPR017Years of heavy drug use have damaged the relationship between Nolan and his mother. After becoming...
Normal? Brain Chemistry: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR008Drugs and alcohol cause fundamental changes in the way our brains work. When we use drugs and...
Northern Triangle - The Origins of America’s Migrant Crisis...
Scorpion Television SCTV19Combatting illegal immigration has become a priority of the Trump administration. The Northern...
Not in the Street: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT008Most of us want to die at home. Where do you die when you don’t have a home or support for...
Not Quite That
On The Creek Films Inc. OTCF00Note Quite That offers an intimate and insightful exploration of identity through the lens of...
Not Without Us (56 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP039Demonstrating the power of the masses to challenge Big Oil interests, Not Without Us is an all...
Not Without Us (72 Minute Version)
Video Project, Inc. TVP040Demonstrating the power of the masses to challenge Big Oil interests, Not Without Us is an all...
Not Your Butter Chicken Series
Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS00With her mother losing her memory to dementia, food and wine expert Shiva Reddy travels to South...
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