Social Issues
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Serena: W5
CTV CTV714Canadian singer/songwriter Serena Ryder discusses her rise from child singer to Rockstar, and her...
Série GéoMinute
Canadian Geographic Enterprises CGE015FRUne série de 13 segments d'une minute célébrant les anniversaires marquants de l'histoire du...
Sexual Harassment at School - Hostile Environments: Social...
Learning Seed 200282Includes TWO videos: STUDENT PROGRAM - 20:43 min. Do students really understand what sexual...
Shaping Our Future
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810016Shaping Our Future focuses on the journey of inmates at the Wilkinson Road Jail who helped carve a...
Sharing Tebwewin
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV041“Sharing Tebwewin” (Sharing the Truth) is an educational documentary designed to help health...
Shut Up and Say Something (57 Minute Version)
Stranger Productions SP0001Shut Up And Say Something follows Canadian icon and acclaimed international spoken word artist...
Shut Up and Say Something (82 Minute Version)
Stranger Productions SP0000Shut Up And Say Something follows Canadian icon and acclaimed international spoken word artist...
SIDA, à quand son éradication?
AB Productions F296-009Si l’épidémie du Sida est enrayée selon les experts, son éradication en revanche n’est pas...
Silent Cries/Kiayunik Tuhanak
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV069"It happened every year during the long weekend in September. That's when all the planes, little...
Sistema Revolution
Hemmings House Pictures HHP005SISTEMA REVOLUTION follows the inception, development and success of Venezuela's life-changing...
Sisters in Spirit: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0725Vancouver-based hip-hop artist JB the First Lady (Jerilynn Webster, Nuxalk/Onondaga) preserves the...
Six Primrose: Grow, Cook, Share, Engage
Truefaux Films TFF002Six Primrose will spark dialogue about food security, strengths-based engagement and community...
Skarure and Song: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0628Singer and composer Jennifer Kreisberg, Tuskarora from North Carolina, is an Emmy nominated...
SKY GODS: The Price of Our Love of Flying
Sarah Robertson ABP002Powered flight is one of the greatest of all human achievements, and international cooperation has...
Slaves to Habit
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI100Smoking, overeating, compulsive shopping, nail-biting… We all have a habit that we would like to...
Sleeping Sickness: W5
CTV CTV608W5 investigates the story of a young girl who suffers from narcolepsy and gets an inside look at...
Small Town Queer Series
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP01When you live in a small town, coming out is a big deal. Small Town Queer is a three-part short...
Smoke Out: W5
CTV CTV499W5 investigates Canada's contraband cigarette market. When a pack of 20 costs as little as three...
Smoked: W5
CTV CTV877In 2002, the owners of the pulp mill in Dryden, Ontario started a project to reduce emissions, but...
Cotton Bush Productions CBP000ENThe Little Black Girl is having a hard day at school. She’s not able to pronounce the days of the...
So Close, Yet So Far: Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04-02The second episode of Divided Korea shows that although the two Koreas tried to come closer after...
So Close, Yet So Far: Divided Korea Series
Alegria, ARTE France A259-S04-02The second episode of Divided Korea shows that although the two Koreas tried to come closer after...
Soccer Tryouts: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP11Zachary debates whether he should try out for the soccer team. The house helps him practice to take...
Social Justice - Racial Inequality, BLM, Systemic Racism, LGBTQ...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0120Learn all about social justice. What is the history and significance of the Black Lives Matter...
Social Sensibilities Series
Learning Seed 200288Each DVD includes TWO videos about teen social issues - A classroom program for students, and a...
Social Studies Kids Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0118It is important that students develop an interest and keen understanding of history and geography...
Social-Emotional Learning Series
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0115In this new series, social and emotional learning issues are sensitively discussed with positive...
Society 2.0: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series
AB Productions A296-S04-05No human being born a hundred years ago could live in the space in which we move today. In this...
Something in the Water - Are Canadians Drinking Asbestos?: W5
CTV CTV934W5 investigates the threat of asbestos cement pipes buried underground across Canada. These pipes...
Sophia Sidarous - Protect and Defend: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP017At 20, Sophia Sidarous, is already a veteran land defender and water protector who has led many...
Sous la loi de talibans
ARTE France F196-049Kaboul est tombée. La ville, et le pays (hormis le réduit du Panshir) sont aux mains des...
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE069From the executive producer of ‘Bull Durham’ and ‘White Men Can't Jump’ comes SPACEMAN, the...
Species vs. Spaces - A Story of Pelee Island
Pinegrove Productions PPE039At a time when our relationship with the earth and all the species we share it with is in grave...
Spirit Bear : échos du passé
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC008FRAprès plus d'une décennie en tant qu'ourson avocat, Spirit Bear a besoin de vacances et il...
Spirit Bear and Children Make History
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC005Spirit Bear and Children Make History tells the true story about how Spirit Bear and his friends...
Spirit Bear: Echoes of the Past
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC008After more than a decade as a Bearrister, Spirit Bear needs a vacation – and he's taking his...
Spirit Bear: Fishing for Knowledge, Catching Dreams
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC006This stop-motion animation of the book by the same name was adapted for screen by Michif animator...
Spirit Bear: Honouring Memories, Planting Dreams
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC007Spirit Bear is visiting Algonquin territory when he meets Jake, a friendly dog with a bag full of...
Spirit Bear: Rendre hommage aux souvenirs, semer des rêves
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada FNC007FRSpirit Bear visite le territoire algonquin lorsqu'il rencontre Jake, un gentil chien qui porte un...
Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice
Peter Campbell PCI007The Honourable Bria Huculak, a Saskatchewan provincial court judge calls it a spiritual experience...
Spirituality and Ecology - Satish Kumar: The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0016Interview with Satish Kumar, one of the founders of deep ecology, a philosophy which sees human...
Spirituality: Drug Class Series, Season 2
Cooper Rock CPR025Recovery is complicated; one of the things that helps many people is the development of their...
PVP Doc V Inc.. F261-004Sport-partum est un documentaire qui suit les dernières performances de trois athlètes canadiens...
Spring Breakup: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0622Anishinaabe composer Melody McKiver finds inspiration in the power of water transformation in Sioux...
Sri Lankan Samathya-Sadanku/Philippino Debutante Ball: Rites of...
Left Field Entertainment LFE011In the old Tamil Hindu tradition a young girl who has attained puberty, and experienced her first...
Stamp Out the Crime: When Your Mail is the Target of Thieves (W5)
CTV CTV434Canada's postal system is a gold mine of financial and personal information. Through it passes...
Stand Up: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ027The first episode of Season three features “The History of RezX”, “The Co-Host Audition...
Stanley Love: The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0023Stanley Love is a planetary scientist with a PhD in astronomy from the University of Washington. In...
Staying Healthy: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR038This episode shares the importance of staying healthy and ways of accomplishing this. Krystal talks...
Stella Bowles: Teenage Citizen Scientist Inspires Hope (The...
Paper Tiger PT0101Stella Bowles is an example of how one person—even a young person—can make a very big...
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