Social Issues
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Paradise Lost: Mining in Guatemala: W5
CTV CTV469Canadians have long prided themselves on the country's international reputation. But, in places...
Paradise Lost: W5
CTV CTV550For a fee, travel clubs offer discounts on everything from hotels and flights, to meals and car...
Parents Who Kill: W5
CTV CTV900Molly Thomas investigates the warning signs that a parent may harm or even kill their child that...
Parks Canada: Bison Return From the Edge of Extinction, Ep. 7
Square Sheep Films SQU007The plains and wood bison are integral to the ecosystem of Elk Island National Park, and fencing...
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M001Gabrielle and Yoan are 18 years old. Even though they both grew up in Temiscamingue, their...
Passage vers la Liberté
Carleton University CU1000FRPassage vers la liberté est un documentaire émouvant qui présente les histoires orales de...
Password Gate: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep. 8
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP208Ange calls Sam and Dev telling them she is 'locked out'. They rush over, assuming she is locked out...
Paulina’s Story: After Caregiving, Season 1
The Best Part Inc. #3 TBP308Paulina and Claude found love later in life, when Claude was already suffering from persistent...
Peace Has No Borders
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE009During the Iraq and Afghan Wars, veterans from the United States crossed the border to Canada...
Penelakut - Returning to the Healing Circle
Peter Campbell PCI001In Penelakut: Returning to the Healing Circle, a filmmaker returns to an island off the coast of...
People Better Watch Out: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards...
Windecker Road Films WRF010Whether it’s sewing masks, singing songs or trying to figure out how your small business can stay...
Perils of Porn (W5)
CTV CTV017Ontario woman, Natel King, made fast money in the adult entertainment industry, posing on the...
Persian Gulf Security Issues: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV63The Persian Gulf remains tense as the rivalry between the regional powers of Saudi Arabia and Iran...
Personal Abuse: W5
CTV CTV748A hospital is not a home. If given the option, who wouldn’t prefer to care for their loved one in...
Personal Foul: W5
CTV CTV659Physical injury can be part of playing sports, but as W5's Victor Malarek investigates, they can...
Personal Space: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP19Shelley got a new library book that she can’t wait to read. But Khadijah wants to spend the day...
Petites bonnes Asiatiques, invisibles esclaves modernes
Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-039En Asie et au Moyen-Orient, dans l'intimité de familles impunies, plus de quinze millions de...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket
Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR00The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...
Picking Up the Pieces: The Making of the Witness Blanket (55...
Canadian Museum for Human Rights / Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne CMHR01The Witness Blanket stands as a national monument to recognize the atrocities of the Indian...
Picture My Face - The Story of Teenage Head
Blue Ant Media BAM1360A classic 'voyage and return' story about Canada's notorious glamour-punk band Teenage Head. This...
Pied Piper of Hamilton (W5)
CTV CTV333W5 investigates cult allegations, a controversial pastor and a family charged with kidnapping their...
Pilot Episode: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep.1
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP201When Dev is running late for work one day, and concerned about this mother, he asks Sam to check in...
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M003Filmmaker André-Line Beauparlant’s fascinating documentary ‘Pinocchio’ probes the story of...
Pivot - The Sheldon Guy Story: W5
CTV CTV912Langley Secondary School girls’ basketball coach Sheldon Guy developed a special relationship...
Place Is Punk: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0720Haida band Jason Camp and The Posers reveal how their beautiful home of Haida Gwaii inspires their...
Plastic is Forever: Kids Can Save the Planet Series
Video Project, Inc. TVP037What happens when you throw plastic away? Dylan D'Haeze, a 13-year-old filmmaker from the San Juan...
Plea for Mercy: W5
CTV CTV828W5 explores the case of Russell Davis, a Canadian man serving a life sentence in a Florida prison...
Polly Higgins: Making Ecocide an International Crime - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0008This episode of The Green Interview features lawyer Polly Higgins, who in 2010 proposed to the...
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome: Drug Class Series, Season 2
Cooper Rock CPR024Recovery is complicated. One of the issues faced by most people in the early stages of recovery is...
Postcards From…Season 5
Postcards Productions Inc. POST00A travel series for the senses. Postcards from… is an invitation to everyone to reimagine travel...
Pot Paradise: W5
CTV CTV656Kevin Newman and the W5 team invesigate Colorado's first year of legal marijuana sales. Research...
Pot Pioneer: W5
CTV CTV757W5's Kevin Newman sits down with comedian Tommy Chong on the legalization of cannabis in Canada and...
Potlatch Keepers
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0769Potlatch Keepers shares the personal story of Indigenous filmmaker Lindsey Mae Willie who returns...
Pound Foolish: W5
CTV CTV186Anyone who has been to a fast food outlet recently has probably been offered to have their meal...
Pour l'amour de nos filles: La Collection des cinéastes...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0020FRPour l'amour de nos filles est un court docu-fiction qui informe sur les femmes autochtones...
Pour toi Flora
7059213 Canada Inc. 310074FRPour toi Flora raconte l’histoire de jeunes Anishinaabe (Algonquins) qui tentent aujourd’hui de...
POV: Swim Team
PBS Video 041890What would you do if your community gave up on your child? In New Jersey, the parents of a boy on...
Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0755Power to the People is a series that discovers how indigenous people, values and wisdom are...
Prescription For Tragedy: W5
CTV CTV561Opioids are a blessing to chronic pain sufferers, but they are finding their way from the pharmacy...
Pressure: Kids Matter; Inside the Minds of Tweens and Teens...
Revealing Media Group RMG004Overwhelmed with pressures from his parents and peers to succeed in sports, school and activities...
Preventing Accidental Drug Overdoses
Human Relations Media 600690Drug overdose is a leading cause of accidental deaths every year. Many of those deaths could have...
Pride and Prejudice: W5
CTV CTV914Sandie Rinaldo speaks to the son and grandson of George Dixon, who served with pride during World...
Princesses, Pop Stars & Girl Power
Phares & Balises F196-011Gaie, pétillante et colorée, la culture « girly » est un phénomène incontournable de nos...
Printemps Éternel
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD169FRGrâce à une combinaison d’images contemporaines et d’animations inspirées des illustrations...
Prison Series 1
Blue Ant Media BAM1336** Contains course language** For the first time in more than five years, cameras have been...
Prison Series 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1340**Contains course language** Foston Hall is a Closed Female prison, which was originally the...
Produire La Menace
Diffusion Multi-Monde Inc. DMMI01FRProduire la menace examine un épisode profondément troublant de l'histoire du Canada lorsqu'un...
Profound Lessons from Indigenous Law: John Borrows - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0011John Borrows is one of Canada's most prolific and celebrated legal scholars and a professor of law...
Project Cold Days (50 minute version)
Lex Film Inc. LEX001**This film is CRTC Certified - No illicit drug use or swearing** Project Cold Days explores the...
Project Cold Days (77 minute version)
Lex Film Inc. LEX000Project Cold Days explores the lives of people surviving Ottawa’s streets in the cold. Shot...
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