Social Issues
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The Craving: W5
CTV CTV876W5's Avery Haines speaks to Matthew Mahon, who is in a constant battle against his own urge to...
The Cult Queen: W5
CTV CTV962W5 investigates the strange world of self-proclaimed 'Queen of Canada' Ramona Didulo and her...
The D-Word: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT001Artist and teacher Andrea Bird is dying, and she is choosing to do it differently. Together with...
The Dance and the Dream: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 2
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC02Musician Laura Vinson meets up with Lyle and David Donald, a father and son who head up the...
The Dark Side of Drugs: Drug Class Series, Season 3
Cooper Rock CPR040Many of the kids feel that drugs and alcohol are a good way to have fun. Many of them don't realize...
The Darkest Hours: W5
CTV CTV820“This was the most depressing time I had in my whole political life.” — Marc Lalonde, former...
The Dawn Of A New Species: Man 2.0 R-Evolution Series
AB Productions A296-S04-06Man now has abilities that go beyond those bestowed on him by nature. Virtual reality gives us the...
The Death Debate: W5
CTV CTV908On March 17, 2023, people with mental illnesses will become eligible for Medical Assistance in...
The Decline
Event Film Distribution Inc. EFDI00Investigates the ever-growing overdose epidemic in North America. In 2015 German director/producer...
The Diamond Postcard: Making Things Count; Pandemic Postcards...
Windecker Road Films WRF009As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, people world-wide began to face lockdowns and...
The Disappearing Act: Aunty B's House Series
Headspinner Productions HESP18Shelley and Khadijah work on their act for the school talent show. Zach totally forgot about it, so...
The Divided Brain (53 Minute Version)
Matter of Fact Media MFM008THE DIVIDED BRAIN is the mind-altering documentary inspired by the book, “The Master and His...
The Divided Brain (78 Minute Version)
Matter of Fact Media MFM009THE DIVIDED BRAIN is the mind-altering documentary inspired by the book, “The Master and His...
The Double Shift: Women, A True Story
CTV CTV288This documentary hosted by Susan Sarandon, named The Double Shift, shows scenes which describe the...
The Eeyouch of Istchee Series
Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) PPE037“We were always led to believe that we didn’t have any rights. We were just squatters on the...
The End is Just a Starting Point: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0125Lisa and her team struggle to get all the pieces together for Urban Native Magazine, and then...
The End of Globalization: Great Decisions 2021
Scorpion Television SCTV69As the United States enters another election season, the merits and drawbacks of globalization are...
The End of the Road
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE091"It's the end of the road and people at the end of their line come to Lund". Follow this real life...
The End of Wonderland
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M004The feature-length documentary The End of Wonderland is a portrait of Tara Emory, a veteran artist...
The English Romanian Adoptee Project: Re-Thinking Deprivation...
Shortcutstv Ltd STV035The English-Romanian Adoptees Project was the first study to follow a cohort of children who had...
The Ethics of Abortion: When Does Life Begin?
Shortcutstv Ltd STV020The controversies surrounding abortion involve a clash between two fundamental rights: the right of...
The Exceptional Life Series
Fifth Ground Entertainment Inc. FGE034The Exceptional Life is a five-part documentary series that teams Development Pediatrician Dr...
The Fall: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 1, Ep. 3
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP203Dev receives a Falls Alert from Ange's phone. She has fallen and sprained her wrist. When she finds...
The Farm with Ian Knauer
RhoadeSkill Entertainment RSE000The Farm – a 13 part series, invites viewers to roll up their sleeves and become part of the...
The Final Word: W5
CTV CTV604When Dr. Larry Librach was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he knew it was bad news; most patients...
The Fire: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0623Oji-Cree songwriter Nick Sherman reflects on the challenges of living in a town steeped in...
The Forgotten Children: W5
CTV CTV060Canadians Ruslana Wrzesnewski and her husband, Andy Cottrell, are doing what they can to bring...
The Forgotten: W5
CTV CTV701"THE FORGOTTEN" examines cases of Canadian Thalidomide survivors who have been denied government...
The Four Horsemen of the Drug Apocalypse: Drug Class Series...
Cooper Rock CPR010Addiction and substance abuse change us. They change our character, how we deal with people, how we...
The Future and the Science of Conservation: Bison Return From...
Square Sheep Films SQU010This episode looks at what the future of bison conservation looks like in Canada and the...
The Ghost of Dana Bradley
CTV CTV098A tightly-knit Newfoundland community experiences grief and anger when a young girl is abducted and...
The Giraffe Whisperer - The Legacy of Biologist Anne Innis Dagg...
CTV CTV858Dan Riskin interviews 83-year-old Anne Innis Dagg, a pioneering Canadian zoologist who literally...
The Girl in the Suitcase: W5
CTV CTV741W5 investigates the story of a cold case crime mystery, told by the cop who broke the case. Former...
The Good Drug
Blue Ant Media BAM1363“The Good Drug” explores the new discoveries being made about the historical uses of...
The Good Trip: How We Die Series
KITAB PRODUCTIONS KIT007Almost everyone who is dying expresses a fear and anxiety about death. One year after our initial...
The Grandson Scam (W5)
CTV CTV487Scores of elderly people across Canada and the U.S. have been cruelly duped by a network of crooks...
The Great Disconnect
disconnected Ltd DISC00We are living in a time that has been described as the age of loneliness. Despite Western advances...
The Great Migration: History By the Numbers Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1455It's one of the most overlooked stories of 20th century American history - when 6 million African...
The Green Interview Series
Paper Tiger PT0098The Green Interview is a series of in-depth conversations with the thinkers, artists and activists...
The Grifter: W5
CTV CTV483W5's 10-month investigation of Caron Oderbien, a grifter who has left a trail of broken hearts and...
The Guinea Pig Soldiers: W5
CTV CTV801Avery Haines meets some of the veterans taking legal action against the government over the alleged...
The Haters - What Happens After a Hate Crime in Canada?
CTV CTV949Avery Haines investigates the surge in hate crimes across Canada and why Canada's criminal code is...
The Haunted Hampton House: W5
CTV CTV952Ian and Laura Tenniswood restore homes for a living in Nova Scotia. They purchased the historic Bay...
The Healing Culture: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 3
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC03Musician Laura Vinson contemplates the richness of her family’s Indigenous heritage and culture...
The Healing Power of Psychedelic Drugs
Autentic GMBH AUT016Psychedelics are back in the spotlight. But not as forbidden drugs. International studies are...
The Hearing
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M005After crossing 11 countries irregularly to seek asylum in Canada, Peggy, Simon and their three...
The Hearing Aid: Sam, Dev & Ange, Season 2, Ep. 4
The Best Part Inc. #2 TBP213Ange’s hearing is declining but she has been doing her best to cover it up out of embarrassment...
The Hidden River
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M020In the heart of a deep forest runs a river. On its banks, men and women sit and talk, opening up to...
The Hope Art Carries: The Awakeners Series, Ep. 5
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC05Wayne Levesque and Yvette Cenerini are two people who started their lives without disabilities but...
The Hungry Heart
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE026The Hungry Heart provides an intimate look at the often-hidden world of prescription drug addiction...
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