Social Issues
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Clique Pictures CLIQ00Explores the connection to the communities impacted by the products Canadians consume! TRACEABLE...
Trail of a Sex Tourist: Canada's Limited Success in Pursuing...
CTV CTV446Canadians travelling abroad to have sex with children is an abhorrent and shocking offence...
Trauma: Prison Series 2
Blue Ant Media BAM1343**Contains course language** In this final episode of the award-winning series director Paddy...
Travis's Story: Drug Class Series, Season 1
Cooper Rock CPR007Travis has had a long history of poly-substance abuse. He has used alcohol, marijuana, crack...
Treating Earth like Dirt: David Montgomery - The Green Interview...
Paper Tiger PT0037Interview with David Montgomery, a geomorphologist - a scientist who studies the forces that shape...
Treaty Road Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0747“Treaty Road” follows Saxon de Cocq and Erin Goodpipe as they examine the role that Saxon’s...
Tréchelle Bunn - Movement is Medicine: Warrior Up! Series
Picture This Productions PTP011Tréchelle Bunn is a 22 year old University of Manitoba hockey player whose life motto is...
Tribal Police: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0696Manitoba’s Dakota-Ojibway Tribal Police and Alberta’s Blood Tribe Police Force are two of a...
Trouble in Paradise: W5
CTV CTV685In 2013, the government of British Columbia granted the owners of a landfill site located directly...
Troubled Waters
Barking Dog Pictures A270-002As world food shortages loom large Commercial Ice Fishers in Northern Canada are leaving a majority...
Truth and Reconciliation: RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ001RezX TV is an Indigneous lifestyle show produced by RezX entrepreneur Chris Ross from the Red Earth...
Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (55 min.)
Arte GEIE F196-043ACe film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...
Tuer l'indien, dans le cœur de l'enfant (73 min.)
Arte GEIE F196-043BCe film inédit remonte aux racines d’un mal profond qui ronge la démocratie canadienne. Mal de...
Twisted Travellers: W5
CTV CTV595Children in Cuba are being pimped out to Canadian sex tourists. W5's Victor Malarek investigates a...
Two-Spirit Identities: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0621Mohawk songwriter Shawnee and Ojibwe-Cree Elder Ma-Nee Chacaby consider the history and role of...
U of S Grad Pow Wow, Mosaic FN Pavilion, Shana Pasapa, Constant...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ009This episode features stories on; Mosaic First Nations Pavilion, the University of Saskatchewan...
Un monde à 3 Zéros
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV060FRLe Professeur Yunus, banquier des pauvres, entrepreneur social et lauréat du prix Nobel de la...
Uncovering Rape Culture: Zara McDermott Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1457After a schoolboy threatened to rape her in her local park, Zara McDermott goes on an exploration...
Under Fire: W5
CTV CTV906Eighty-five per cent of firefighters are volunteers, and their numbers have dwindled to alarming...
Under Taliban Law
ARTE France A196-031Kabul has fallen. The city and the country (except for the Panjshir region) are in the hands of the...
Underage Drinking - The Dangers You Need to Know: Start Smart...
Wonderscape Entertainment WE0223Teens learn how to navigate uncomfortable social situations and potential peer pressure when...
Understanding Gender: Identity, Biology and Expression
Human Relations Media 600673This program explores the modern gender spectrum. Experts Dr. Eli Green, Jaymie Campbell, and...
Understanding Poverty: 12 Neighbors Series
Hemmings House Pictures HHP018Meet the amazing cast of characters from 12 Neighbors, a wonderful series which explores the...
Understanding Refugees in Canada
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI089Every day across the world people make the difficult decision to leave their home, families...
Understanding Social Anxiety
Human Relations Media 600703Social anxiety--the negative emotions and fear of ordinary social interactions--affects 40% of all...
Understanding the Opioid Epidemic
PBS Video 041897Understanding the Opioid Epidemic traces the causes behind the unprecedented growth in the use of...
Wild Confluence Media WCM004Told through the lens of three women with unique personal connections to Alaska’s Tongass...
Undetectable: How Stigma Has Gone Viral in the Fight against HIV
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP00Canada has the solution to end HIV infections and stop the world-wide AIDS epidemic. So why are...
Une culture de guérison: De cœur et d’esprit, Ep. 3
Mighty Motion Pictures Corporation MMPC03FRLaura contemple la richesse de l'héritage et de la culture autochtone de sa famille et la façon...
Unfair Advantage: W5
CTV CTV543When the taxman won't play fair, taxpayers have a grueling road ahead to protect their hard-earned...
Unloved: Huronia’s Forgotten Children
White Pine Pictures WPP000A filmmaker's quest to discover the fate of her disabled brothers uncovers an institution's...
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV039Unmanageable is the unknown story of Canada's training schools and the generations of vulnerable...
Unmasking: The End of Debate?
Shortcutstv Ltd STV025Unmasking is a very different thing to debating, and Professor Peter Baehr has written The...
Unorthodox Loans: W5
CTV CTV541They come to him in desperate need of help, but the unsuspecting customers of private lender Sandy...
Unprotected: W5
CTV CTV888Canada ranks among the worst in the world when it comes to protecting whistleblowers, according to...
Unrestrained: W5
CTV CTV847In Canada, a woman is murdered every six days by an intimate partner. Lawyer and advocate Pamela...
Unsinkable Silken: W5
CTV CTV615Olympic and World Champion rower Silken Laumann was associated with all the attributes of great...
Untested Evidence: W5
CTV CTV860W5's Avery Haines investigates into why a shocking number of Canadian hospitals don't have sexual...
Unusual in Every Way
InFilm Productions IFP004Unusual in Every Way is the surprising story of the unique friendship between an Indigenous man...
Unusually Normal
2727185 ONTARIO INC. 272700Seven women, three generations, one family and countless secrets and lies. Meet Canada’s Gayest...
Uppers and Downers: The Facts About Stimulants and Depressants
Human Relations Media 600390Hard-hitting docudrama presents the facts and provides expert commentary on how abuse of stimulants...
Urban Native Girl Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0110Urban Native Girl is 13-part, half-hour, POV-documentary series that centres on Lisa Charleyboy; a...
Urban Rescue: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0697Edmonton, Alberta is famous for its hockey, beautiful river valley and massive shopping centres...
Vanished: W5
CTV CTV916W5 talks to a family who felt North Bay police wrote off concerns about Luke Joly Durocher’s...
Vaping and Viruses: Your Lungs, Your Health
Human Relations Media 600702Vaping hurts your lungs and depresses your immune system - that combo may put you at higher risk...
Vérité inconfortable: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 3
7059213 Canada Inc. 310077FRTrame du passé : Les enfants au pensionnat sont réconfortés par les amitiés qu’ils ont...
Veronica Rolls Up Her Sleeves
Supre Incorporated SINC08A dream wedding is something that Veronica had always wished for but never thought possible. About...
Victim 1: W5
CTV CTV839Serial killer Bruce McArthur took the lives of eight men in Toronto’s Gay Village. Mark...
Victor Walk
Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE015Victor Walk is about transforming victims of child sexual abuse into victors, because surviving is...
Victoria's Secret: W5
CTV CTV092Victoria is Canada's "garden city," considered a Shangri-La, where flowers bloom in winter and...