Social Sciences
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Sénégal vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel
France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-08La Casamance, les plus belles plages de l’Afrique de l’ouest, une région hautement...
Sénégal vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel
France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-08La Casamance, les plus belles plages de l’Afrique de l’ouest, une région hautement...
Senior in Transition: Small Town Queer, Ep. 3
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP04Karen La Hay has been waiting for a long time. The 68 year-old recently came out as a transgender...
Sensible Steps To A Stylish Wardrobe
Learning Seed 200273Building a stylish wardrobe doesn't have to cost a fortune. Learn how to create and stick to a...
Serge Postigo: Au gré du vent
PVP Films F303-S01-08Serge Postigo déploie un talent exceptionnel de comédien et de metteur en scène depuis ses...
Série GéoMinute
Canadian Geographic Enterprises CGE015FRUne série de 13 segments d'une minute célébrant les anniversaires marquants de l'histoire du...
Serving the Community: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep. 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0651In this series opener, we meet the four Bears (contest judges) and the first three Indigenous-owned...
Set and Achieve Goals: Cutting Edge Success at Work Series
Seven Dimensions Pty Ltd 7D0053Be clear about your goals and steps to achieve them and persist. It’s time to get serious...
Seven Persons: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0787Hayley uncovers some of the legends behind the name of Seven Persons, a hamlet on a natural creek...
Sew Cool
Learning ZoneXpress 430140Discover how sewing can be SEW cool! Create your own unique look and save some money by learning...
Sh is for Sharing: Tiga Talk! Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0268It’s a really hot day. Tiga is jealous that Kimmie and Jason get to play in a cool shower of...
Shahira: Nomads of the Sahara
Bishari Films BF0005This is an inspirational documentary about a young Muslim woman, trained as an anthropologist, who...
Shaking, Hitting & Spanking
Learning Seed 200069An infant won't stop crying, a toddler plays with chemicals under the sink, a seven-year-old...
Shandong: Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD007The oldest of the cuisines and, with its roots in dishes served to royalty, Shandong is the cuisine...
Shannon Rae: RezX TV, Season 4
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ038Shannon Rae (Season 4 - Episode 4): This episode of RezX features special guest, country star...
Shaping Our Future
Kwassen Productions Inc. 810016Shaping Our Future focuses on the journey of inmates at the Wilkinson Road Jail who helped carve a...
Shared Gardens: Ageless Gardens Series, Season 2
291 Film Company 291124Volunteers maintain 36 acres of gardens at the official residence of the Lieutenant Governor of BC...
Sharing Our Traditions: The Bears' Lair Series, Season 1, Ep. 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0652Three women entrepreneurs who are sharing their traditions to heal through medicine, counselling...
Sharing Tebwewin
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV041“Sharing Tebwewin” (Sharing the Truth) is an educational documentary designed to help health...
Shipwrecked: Rage of the Great Lakes
Maplerock Entertainment Inc. MAPL11The largest graveyard of shipwrecks in the world is an area inside the North American continent...
Shooting the Buffalo: Back to Roots Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0734Perry plays a Sioux game called "Shoot the Buffalo.” Later, he makes spaghetti sauce with fresh...
Shore to Shore
Peter Campbell PCI008Master Coast Salish Carver Ts’uts’umutlhw (Luke Marston) sculpts with yellow cedar, but also...
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?: Urban Native Girl
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0120Lisa sends writer and Six Nations part-time resident Falen Johnson into her reserve to explore the...
Should We Dream More?: 42 - The Answer to Almost Everything...
Autentic GMBH AUT025We dream for up to six years of our lives. What if dreams were more than fantasy? If we could take...
Jack Kuper KUP003Elderly Canadian folk artist, Mayer Kirshenblatt recounts the story behind his paintings which...
Shuswaggin' Tales: Red Earth Uncovered, Season 4
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0785Shuswaggi, a mysterious lake creature, has been sighted in BC’s Shuswap Lake near Copper Island...
Sichuan: Confucius Was a Foodie! A New World Adventure in an...
Lofty Sky Distribution LSD004It is said of Sichuan cuisine that 100 dishes will have 100 flavors, so why is it that when North...
SIDA, à quand son éradication?
AB Productions F296-009Si l’épidémie du Sida est enrayée selon les experts, son éradication en revanche n’est pas...
Siège du Fort Saint-Jean
PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S03-02Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec. Revivez un épisode important de la guerre d’indépendance...
Sign Language Table, Bookcase and Stools: Kings of the Wood...
Blue Ant Media BAM1420In this episode, the Kings of the Wood create three more remarkable gifts for some very special...
Significant - Event Childhood Trauma: Childhood Trauma Series
Magna Systems 520029Sometimes a single significant event can cause trauma in the life of a child. Such events include...
Silent Cries/Kiayunik Tuhanak
RESEARCHTV INC. RTV069"It happened every year during the long weekend in September. That's when all the planes, little...
Singapour, île modèle ou île fragile ?
ARTE France F259-S10-82La minuscule île-État d’Asie Pacifique a connu un développement économique miraculeux à tel...
Sinulog, Notting Hill Carnival, Thaipusam, Junkanoo, Capture the...
Switch SWED49Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...
Sisters in Arms
Le Cinquième Rêve A196-032In Greta Thunberg's wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At...
Sisters in Spirit: Amplify Series, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0725Vancouver-based hip-hop artist JB the First Lady (Jerilynn Webster, Nuxalk/Onondaga) preserves the...
Six Heritage Textile Crafts
Simcoe County Arts & Crafts Association SC0001This Canadian production from the Simcoe County Arts & Crafts Association introduces the student to...
Six Nations of the Grand River, ON: Power to the People, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0763The Six Nations of the Grand Reserve southwest of Hamilton, Ontario, is home to the largest First...
Six Primrose: Grow, Cook, Share, Engage
Truefaux Films TFF002Six Primrose will spark dialogue about food security, strengths-based engagement and community...
Skarure and Song: Amplify Series, Season 1
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0628Singer and composer Jennifer Kreisberg, Tuskarora from North Carolina, is an Emmy nominated...
Skateboarding: Coyote's Crazy Smart Science Show, Season 2
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0019Physics play a big part in skateboarding. Science Questers hop on their boards and talk to a...
Skindigenous Series, Season 1
Nish Media 310000Skindigenous is a 13-part documentary series exploring Indigenous tattooing traditions around the...
Skindigenous Series, Season 2
Nish Media 310014Skindigenous is a 13-part documentary series exploring Indigenous tattooing traditions around the...
Skindigenous Series, Season 3
Nish Media 310054Skindigenous is a documentary series exploring Indigenous tattooing traditions around the world...
SKY GODS: The Price of Our Love of Flying
Sarah Robertson ABP002Powered flight is one of the greatest of all human achievements, and international cooperation has...
Slavery By Another Name
PBS Video 041474Slavery by Another Name, narrated by Laurence Fishburne, is a 90-minute documentary that challenges...
Slaves to Habit
Merit Entertainment Inc. MEI100Smoking, overeating, compulsive shopping, nail-biting… We all have a habit that we would like to...
Sludge Diet
Productions Thalie A131-001Sewage sludge - tons of industrial and municipal sludge is spread each year on arable land. The...
Small Town Queer Series
Snapshot Studios Inc. SNAP01When you live in a small town, coming out is a big deal. Small Town Queer is a three-part short...
Smart Drugs: A Futurist's Journey Into Biohacking
Fathom Film Group Ltd. FFGL02If popping a pill could make you smarter, wittier and increase your memory would you take it? If...
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