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Social Sciences

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Spring Breakup: Amplify Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0622

Anishinaabe composer Melody McKiver finds inspiration in the power of water transformation in Sioux...

Spring Tide Farm - Lapland, NS: Depth of Field: Films about...

March Forth Creative Inc. M4C037

Jessie and Rebecca MacInnis are sisters and first-generation farmers and together they operate...

Spruce It Up: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0741

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, forages for...

Stacked Odds: W5


Approximately 35,000 Canadians die every year as a result of medical errors in hospitals and...

Stand Up: RezX TV, Season 3

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ027

The first episode of Season three features “The History of RezX”, “The Co-Host Audition...

Stanley Park and the Surrey Spice Trail in British Columbia...

Brandy Y Productions BYP093

Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk travels to British Columbia where she explores the culinary...

Star's Trek: W5


While the swaggering, swashbuckling Captain James T. Kirk was the role that defined him, William...

Starlight, Starbright: Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI019

The children sit outside looking up at the stars, wondering how they came to take the shapes that...

State of the State Department: Great Decisions 2019 Series

Scorpion Television SCTV08

Diplomats have been described as the “first line of defense” for the United States to ensure...

Staying Healthy: Drug Class Series, Season 3

Cooper Rock CPR038

This episode shares the importance of staying healthy and ways of accomplishing this. Krystal talks...

Stella Bowles: Teenage Citizen Scientist Inspires Hope (The...

Paper Tiger PT0101

Stella Bowles is an example of how one person—even a young person—can make a very big...

Stephanie Harpe: REDx Talks Series

Eccentricus Imagery Productions RX0012

Stephanie Harpe is a singer, songwriter, inspirational speaker, MMIWG advocate, an actor and a...

Stephanie Vaillancourt - Commercial Fisher: Northern/Her Series

Falling Tree Productions FTP012

Commercial fisher Stephanie Vaillancourt is a Captain of her own vessel, as she fishes the shores...

Stepping Stones, Smudge Walk, Battle in the Valley 6, Rez...

Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ005

Episode one features stories on Chris Ross’s RezX Vision, Stepping Stones Career Fair, Smudge...

Sticks and Stew: Back to Roots Series, Season 1

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0732

Perry plays a stick game that is played by many Indigenous Peoples, including the Cree. Later, he...

Still Beautiful

Chalkboard Media CBM000

At age two Kelly Falardeau was horrifically burned in an accident. Since that day, she has resisted...

Stir Fried Beef with Asparagus: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5

Dean Rainey DR0032

On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, Jean prepares her savory stir fried beef with asparagus and a...

Stir Fried Spicy Fish: Try Thai Tonight, Season 5

Dean Rainey DR0029

On this episode of Try Thai Tonight, Jean introduces us to some unique herbs she uses in her stir...

Stir Fry Curry: Try Thai Tonight - Dean and Jean Cook-Off...

Dean Rainey DR0019

Join Dean and Jean on this episode of Try Thai Tonight as they stir fry up pork with curry.

Stitched Glass: A Film about Faith and Yarn

Ian Daffern IADA00

When faith built on principles of friendship collides with division and violence, a man attempts to...

Stockholm archipel des plaisirs: Les vues du ciel

Productions Grand Angle F173-S03-03

L’archipel de Stockholm, c’est sans doute la géographie la plus morcelée d’Europe. Un...


Prospector Films PF0000

Stolen: For the size of their population, Aboriginal women in Canada account for an incredibly...

Stop Filming Us (55 Minute Version)

Video Project, Inc. TVP083

Can a Western filmmaker show anything of truth about the Democratic Republic of Congo? Or do their...

Stop Filming Us (95 Minute Version)

Video Project, Inc. TVP084

Can a Western filmmaker show anything of truth about the Democratic Republic of Congo? Or do their...

Stories of Métis Women: Tales My Kookum Told Me

LeMay Media LM0028

In this program narrated by Norma Spicer, we look at Métis society as told through the voices of...

Stormborn Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1260

On the wild Northern edge of the Atlantic Ocean lies a land of rock, ice and water.  This is a...

Stormy Weather: Playdate Series

Sinking Ship Entertainment SSE095

Jacob wants to reassure a nervous Norman as a loud thunderstorm approaches but when he is unable...

Storyteller - Astrid Lindgren

Eduflix Group AB KMG011

We will learn about the author Astrid Lindgren, who created the stories of Pippi Longstocking, The...

Strangel: The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe

Monster Entertainment MON234

*Warning: Sensitive Content - This film deals with the subject of suicide. STRANGEL tells the...

Street Nurse

Bishari Films BF0014

Cathy Crowe is a familiar name. For years as one of Toronto’s 50 or so street nurses, she has...

Stronger Than Bullets

Indiecan Entertainment Inc. ICE033

In 1985, Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi outlawed music instruments, and ordered them hurled into...

Struggle (x̌ʷx̌ʷwilx): Merchants of the Wild; BC - Syilx...

Buck Productions 300092

Tempers reach a boiling point when the newest member questions if they can continue the journey...

Struggles Over the Melting Arctic: Great Decisions 2021

Scorpion Television SCTV65

U.S. President Donald Trump left many scratching their heads when it was rumored that he was...

Student Activism - Making Your Voice Heard: Social Studies Kids...

Wonderscape Entertainment WE0193

Learn all about student activism and how young people can make a difference in society and the...

Such a Fan!

Arte GEIE A259-012

Fans used to roam in their idols’ shadows, but in recent years they have entered the limelight...

Sudbury, Inlet First Nations - Isaac Weber: Skindigenous Series...

Nish Media 310065

Isaac Weber, a multidisciplinary artist who is both Créole from the Cape Verde Islands (West...

Sue Foley: I Plead the 61 Blues Music Series

Eve Kinizo EK0005

Highlighting Canadian musician Sue Foley. International sensation, Sue Foley is a successful well...

Suède : panique en Mer baltique

ARTE France F259-S10-83

Depuis l’annexion de la Crimée par la Russie, le climat a changé en Suède. N’ayant pourtant...

Suivre la toundra: L'équipe Climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV003FR

Il est essentiel de comprendre le pergélisol et l'évolution de la toundra pour savoir ce qui se...

Suivre les glaciers: L'équipe climat de Parcs Canada

Pivotal Pictures Inc. PIV005FR

La science et le savoir inuit nous aident à mieux comprendre la fonte et l'accumulation des...

Sumatra and Sweden: One Planet, One Chance Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1428

In Sumatra we follow Joakim when he tries to find out what impact the palm oil industry has on both...

Summer Berries - Raspberry: Back to Roots Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0742

Matricia Bauer, a proud member of the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta, gathers...

Summits: In the Secrets of European Negotiations Series

Beliane A242-S01

Summits is an exclusive two-part documentary series that takes us behind closed doors of the...

Super Bug Killers: W5


A cystic fibrosis patient infected with a dangerous superbug has become one of the first Canadians...

Superflood: The History of the Future Series (Ep 3)

Arcadia Entertainment Inc. AR160E

When God warned Noah of the great flood…he wasn’t alone. Flood stories have been part of human...

Superfoods - Just the Facts Series

Learning ZoneXpress 430051

Chef Jon presents nutrient-dense foods in delicious recipes. Featured foods include avocado, black...

Superheroes: Reelside Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1022

Matthew Lochner is on a journey to create his own superhero concept complete with a trailer. Along...

Sur le fil de Zika

Grand Angle Productions F173-040

Zika, ce petit mot plutôt sympathique est le nom d’une forêt en Ouganda, où le virus du même...

Sur les pas de René Richard

Nanouk Films F71-002

Ce film nous fait découvrir la vie et l'oeuvre du peintre René Richard (1895-1982), un homme...

Surrender the Land - Treaty 1: Treaty Road Series

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0748

As Erin Goodpipe and Saxon de Cocq begin their journey of discovery on Treaty 1 territory in...

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