Social Sciences
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Five2Nine Inc. 529001A ballet dancer finds her true expression through rediscovering her passion for movement in the...
Renaissance Festival, Sziget, Cherry Blossom Festival...
Switch SWED51Your first class ticket to the cities of the world. This factual series features large and small...
Rencontre avec mon agresseur
416 Productions F196-037Décembre 2017. Une femme, victime d’un viol par un inconnu dans son enfance, se retrouve à...
René Richard Cyr: Ou l'heureux dépit
PVP Films F303-S01-07Homme de théâtre et de télévision aux multiples talents, René Richard Cyr aime le défi et...
Renew: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0024Kris meets with Alexandra Kahsenni:io Nahwegahbow, the first ever Associate Curator of Historical...
Réparer la nature
AB Productions F296-S04Des portes du Sahara au Rio Doce, nous suivrons différentes missions et expéditions scientifiques...
Replacing the 'Suicide Economy': David Korten - The Green...
Paper Tiger PT0033Interview with David Korten, an economist, author, activist, and prominent critic of corporate...
Replenish: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0026Kris walks through the Sheguiandah Quarry on Manitoulin Island, an unmarked prehistoric site that...
Residential Schools: Truth & Reconciliation in Canada
McIntyre Media Inc. MCI083Indian Residential Schools are a part of our shared history in Canada. Prior to European contact...
Residual Splendour
Supre Incorporated SINC07The comfortable lifestyle of a whimsical Calgary couple is shattered when Sarah’s breast cancer...
Resistance - Treaty 6: Treaty Road Series
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0753Erin Goodpipe and Saxon de Cocq delve into Treaty 6 which covers much of central Alberta and...
Résistance médiatique - Protéger terres et eaux: La...
Wapikoni Mobile WM0007FRRésistance médiatique: Protéger terres et eaux est le second court-métrage d’Ashton Janvier...
Resistance: The Medicine Line Series, Ep. 11
Farpoint Films FAR032Cinematographer Dave Gaudet’s journey takes him all the way to Alcatraz Island to learn about the...
LES FILMS DU 3 MARS F3M013The meat industry enlists a large number of living beings in standardization and mass production...
Respecting the 'Maoi' - Rapa Nui (Easter Island): Native Planet...
Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0777Simon travels to the remote South Pacific Island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to see how the growth...
Respire: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 5
7059213 Canada Inc. 310079FRTrame du passé : Les lettres de Kiwedin ne suffisent plus à atténuer les peines de Wabikoni...
Restoration Planet Series, Season 1
Robert E Moberg Films REM021Want to feel inspired about the environment? Restoration Planet can help! Come with us - Robert...
Restoration Planet Series, Season 2
Robert E Moberg Films REM003Restoration Planet is a long term, educational series with hosts and nationally broadcast...
Restore: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0025Kris gets a personal tour by brother/sister scholars Jade and Mitch Huguenin who are largely...
Restrained: W5
CTV CTV911W5's Molly Thomas investigates why children with special needs are being placed...
Rethink Series
Switch SWED93In this series, we step back and take a second look to discover the weird, the quaint, and the...
Rethinking Obesity: Nature via Nurture
Shortcutstv Ltd STV001This film explores an interactionist approach to obesity. Part 1: shows how cultural and...
Rethinking the Nuclear Framework: Great Decisions 2019 Series
Scorpion Television SCTV03For decades, agreements like the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty have limited the spread of...
Retour à la terre: Pour toi Flora, Épisode 6
7059213 Canada Inc. 310080FRTrame du passé : Wabikoni et Kiwedin quittent enfin le pensionnat à l’adolescence, après des...
Return to Manomin
Thunderstone Pictures TP0001Guided by the spirit of her grandmother and the wisdom of her aging uncle, filmmaker Michelle...
Returning Citizens
The Best Part Inc. BPP001They're Looking For A Second Chance - Or A Chance They Never Had To Begin With. "Returning...
Returning Home
Canadian Geographic Enterprises CGE035ENDirected by Secwépemc filmmaker Sean Stiller, ‘Returning Home’ follows Orange Shirt Day...
Reunion (əł ʔaluʔscútəlx): Merchants of the Wild; BC -...
Buck Productions 300099Months after the journey’s end, the Indigenous explorers reflect with Caleb Musgrave on their...
Reunion: Merchants of the Wild Series - Oji-Cree, Season 1, Ep...
Buck Productions 300063Knowledge Keeper Caleb Musgravetakes the group back to see their journey, share what they went...
Reunion: Merchants of the Wild; NS L’nu’k (Mi’kmaq)...
Buck Productions 300084After months apart, a lot has changed. The group are reunited by Knowledge Keeper Caleb Musgrave...
Reunited: Merchants of the Wild; NS - Kespukwitk Territory...
Buck Productions 300108Determined to push forward, the group continues to work without Britt, keeping their spirits up...
Revenge Porn: Zara McDermott Series
Blue Ant Media BAM1458After appearing as a contestant on reality TV, Zara McDermott returned to her normal life to find...
Revitalize: Future History - The Message Series, Season 2
Redcloud Studios RS0020Kris sits with Elder Advocate Meeka Mike and learns about her fight to protect Qaujimajatuqangit...
Video Project, Inc. TVP068In this multi-award-winning film, Rob Stewart embarks on a global journey to uncover the grave...
Revolution and Reform - The Making of Modern Iran: Great...
Scorpion Television SCTV09Countering Iran has been a foreign policy objective of U.S. administrations since the Islamic...
Révolutions et Modes: Une Histoire du Look
The Taxi Brousse Company TBC011FRQue ce soit sur le plan politique, industriel ou social, le 19ème siècle en Europe est celui des...
Révolutions sexuelles
ARTE France F259-S09Cause et conséquence de nombreux progrès sociaux comme médicaux, la révolution sexuelle a...
RezX TV, Season 2
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ015Chris Tyrone Ross, RezX TV executive producer, made the decision to take his long-running...
RezX TV, Season 3
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ026Chris Tyrone Ross, RezX TV executive producer, made the decision to take his long-running...
RezX TV, Season 4
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ034RezX TV: Season 4: RezX TV returns with a brand new season, and a brand new format (podcasting)...
RezX TV. Season 1
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ004Chris Tyrone Ross, RezX TV executive producer, made the decision to take his long-running...
Rice: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series
Switch SWED11Rice is the seed of the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice)...
Richard Henriquez: Building Stories
All In Pictures AIP002Through a career spanning six decades Richard Henriquez has woven art, and narratives both personal...
Riches Beyond Our Rocks: The Shield Series
Zach Melnick LIV002The story of the Greater Sudbury area is as diverse and rich as the rocks beneath its surface; and...
Richmond's Chinese Food, Birding, and the Rocky Mountaineer...
Brandy Y Productions BYP101Canadian journalist Brandy Yanchyk visits Richmond, British Columbia where she goes on an Authentic...
Ride for Promise
Taza Media Inc. TAZ001Former CFL prospect Curtis Carmichael embarks on a nation-wide adventure - cycling from Vancouver...
Rien ne se perd, tout se transforme: Les Artisans du changement
PVP Films F150-S08-06Le recyclage est un élément incontournable de la gestion des déchets. La collecte sélective est...
RIIS Above Amnesia, Ryan McMahon, Derek Miller, Red Ride Tour...
Chris Tyrone Ross and RezX/IndigenX REZ006This Episode features stories on The Red Ride Tour, First Nations University of Canada’s Winter...
Rising Tide - Climate Change and the World’s Oceans: Great...
Scorpion Television SCTV15Climate change has become one of the defining issues of our time. As much of the world bands...
Risk Factor
Kensington Communications Inc. KC0101“I think we teach numeracy to students, how to evaluate risk, how to evaluate an argument, how to...
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