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Social Sciences

3117 title(s) found.

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Puglaas - Jody Wilson-Raybould Rethinks Her Future: W5


W5’s Sandie Rinaldo gives us a glimpse into the private life of Jody Wilson-Raybould, a...

Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11

À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...

Puglia vue du ciel: Les vues du ciel

Antipode, France Télévisions F173-S03-11

À l'extrémité méridionale de l'Italie, dans les Pouilles, là où les villages étaient...

Puktew Muin (Fire Bear)

Little Bear Big Wolf Pictures LBBW00

While listening to their uncle retell the Mi'kmaq story of Skus and Muin, two precocious children...

Pull the Plug: Life or Death - Who Gets to Decide? W5


Many of us plan ahead for our last days, making wills to give loved ones directions on our final...

Punch 9 for Harold Washington

Video Project, Inc. TVP119

Barack Obama moved to Chicago in 1985, in part, because of a man he'd never met: Harold Washington...

Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

Video Project, Inc. TVP091

Inspired by the groundbreaking book of the same name by Monique W. Morris, Ed.D, Pushout: The...

Putin's Pals: W5


Russian oligarchs gained immense wealth when the Soviet Union fell, and state-run industries were...

Puttin’ Down Roots

Electric Monk Media Ltd. EMML07

Puttin’ Down Roots is an artistic take on gardening and creation. Engage your senses and frolic...

Qallunaaliaqpallianiq: Heading South

Productions Grand Nord A80-004

‘Qallunaaliaqpallianiq: Heading South’ explores the experiences of Inuit “migrants” to the...

Qatar's World Cup: W5


The World Cup in Qatar has sparked soccer – and nonsoccer– conversations around the world...

Quail, Elk and Bison: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3

Tanner Beach Productions WGC307

Out for a BBQ, Chef Rupert prepares a feast with Quail, Elk and Bison and cooks up elk-bison...

Quand l'amour rend aveugle II

PVP Doc V Inc.. F290-S01

Si on le décrit souvent comme la plus belle expérience de la vie, le sentiment amoureux possède...

Quand la cigogne repasse: Parent un jour, Parent toujours 1

CinéFête F150-S15-02

L'attente d'un nouvel enfant génère souvent des craintes et des questionnements chez les parents...

Quand le monde accélère

ARTE France F259-S10-78

Dans nos sociétés, les gens semblent toujours plus pressés, en retard, malgré les gains de...

Quatre saisons chez Dior

Tournez S'il Vous Plait F173-043

2017 était une année historique pour la maison Dior. Ce patrimoine français de la haute-couture...

Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09

Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...

Québec vu du ciel: Les vues du ciel

France Télévisions, Grand Angle Productions F173-S03-09

Le Saint-Laurent occupe une place à part dans le coeur des Québécois. Voie historique de...

Queen Mary; Duchess, Princess, Queen: The Royal Documentaries

Blue Ant Media BAM1300

Queen Mary of Tek is a Royal with a fascinating story - this documentary charts her history from...

Queen's Hotel Blues (Remastered)

Windecker Road Films WRF007

The history and stories of a historic yellow brick hotel slated for demolition in Owen Sound...

Queens for Life: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1438

In the last 200 years 2 women have sat on the British throne for two thirds of the time - Queen...

Queer Coolie-tudes

Michelle Mohabeer MOHA00

Queer Coolie-tudes is a creative documentary which reclaims the slur of Coolie and compellingly...

Questionable Care: W5


W5's Sandie Rinaldo reveals how horrific stories of neglect at long-term care homes have led to...

Qui défend l'Europe?

CinéFête F259-S10-20

Face aux guerres en Libye, Syrie, Mali, Ukraine, l’Europe des 28 et ses 512 millions...

Quinoa: Ancient Grains - Nutritional Powerhouses Series

Switch SWED01

Grains have been staple sources of nutrition and livelihood for most cultures and countries for...

Quite the Collection (Kelowna, BC): A Good Game Series

4412826 Canada Inc/Nish Television 310097

Host John Chabot travels to Kelowna to meet Naim Cardinal, the owner of the biggest Indigenous NHL...

Rabbit: Wild Game Cooking, Season 3

Tanner Beach Productions WGC304

Chef Rupert shows how to prepare a delicious and easy Rabbit in mustard sauce with egg noodles and...

Race to Berlin: History By the Numbers Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1445

In the last year of World War II, two gigantic armies charge across northern Europe to take Berlin...

Radio de la Baie de la Tortue: Théo le loup séries


Lorsque les enfants donnent un coup de main à la station de radio locale, ils découvrent qu’une...

Railroaded: W5


Glen Assoun was convicted and sent to prison for a crime he has maintained for over two decades he...

Rainy Day Affair: Taste of the Country Series

Blue Ant Media BAM1026

Danielle throws a late summer wedding in her favorite way – country style with rustic wild flower...

Range Rider

Wild Confluence Media WCM007

As wolves repopulate Washington State, conflict is heating up with rural ranching communities...

Rapid Ascent - Ismael Kone: W5


Midfielder Ismael Kone made an immediate impression in his debut with the Montreal Impact and...

Raquettes: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-04

La raquette innue est un outil ingénieux permettant d'être à l'aise l'hiver en forêt. Étant de...

Rare Earths - The Dirty War

Productions SHK A218-003

Rare earths are minerals critical for today’s state of the art technologies. Today, China holds...

Rare: Creatures of the Photo Ark

PBS Video 041874

Renowned National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore is a natural-born storyteller. His Photo Ark...

Rassemblement: Innu Aitun

CinéFête F9-S01-13

Avec l'automne, la saison froide commençait à se mettre en place. Il fallait dès lors que les...

Raven and the Coyote: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI009

Coyote asks Raven to teach him to fly, so Raven suggests he grab Coyote’s nose and carry him high...

Raven and the First People: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI002

Bored and frustrated with the new animals, Raven and Eagle find a giant clam shell with the first...

Raven Gets Sick: Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI010

It’s a cold winter and everybody is sick. Frog arrives and tells them how long ago, the animals...

Raven Tales, Season 1

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI000

This series follows the adventures of Raven, the most powerful deity of indigenous mythology, and a...

Raven Tales, Season 2

Arcana Studio Inc. ASI014

This series follows the adventures of Raven, the most powerful deity of Aboriginal mythology and a...

Raymond Bouchard: Voici comme je suis

PVP Films F303-S01-05

Polyvalent, charismatique et talentueux, Raymond Bouchard est un acteur phare de la scène...

RCMP Coast to Coast: Chaos and Courage Series, Season 2

Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0704

Female Aboriginal RCMP officers from BC’s Fraser Valley and Halifax Nova Scotia, share stories of...


Animiki See Distribution Inc. AS0754

RE-KEN-SIL-E-A-SHEN is a poignant feature-length documentary from two-spirit Métis filmmaker Jamie...

ré:INSTALLATION: Voici comment les collectivités déracinées...

Sound Venture SVPF70

La série documentaire ré:INSTALLATION relate des histoires fascinantes sur le plan social, des...

re:LOCATION: How Uprooted Communities Fight to Survive Series

Sound Venture SVP500

The re:LOCATION documentary series is a collection of compelling, socially relevant stories that...

Reach For The Top: W5


Getting to know an inspiration: Spencer West has no legs, but that didn't stop him from climbing...

Ready to Roti: Not Your Butter Chicken Series

Real People Real Stories Inc. RPRS02

This episode of “Not Your Butter Chicken” centers on the resilience of South Asian women...

Reagan Gorbachev, Duel at the Top

Illégitime Défense A269-008

When they first met in 1985, tensions were running high, and the world acclaimed Reagan and...

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